quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010

nickelodeon , RUGRATS

MY generations cartoon growing up. We all grew up and the rugrats did too… ALL GROWN UP sucked though. The awesomeness dissapeared. My favorite part about this show is the beginning of every episode because it makes you guess what’s going on…like hardcore fans know what I’m talking about. You would think it’s a certain place then it zooms out to find out it was just Chuckie’s hair or Tommy’s diaper…crazy shit.

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Desenho da minha geração da época de muitos , antes os desenhos poderiam não ser em 3D
mas era muitooo melhor e criativo , como hoje em dia não vejo tanta graça. Os quais ainda acho
bacana reprisarem é , os Rugrats recidos , Scooby-Doo!

apesar de hoje eu ODIAR , cartoons e nem assistir televisão rs.

Drawing from my generation's time of many, before the drawings could not be in 3D
but it was better muitooo and creative, as now I see so much grace. Who still think
nice reprise is recidos the Rugrats, Scooby-Doo! FDSOGFSDIO

although today I HATE, cartoons and even watch television rs


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